Released in February 2011 in Japan and March 2011 in the rest of the world, the Nintendo 3DS continued its career through several different versions and continues to hold a special position for its manufacturers, who decidedly do not seem to want to abandon it. If the arrival of the Switch, a hybrid console that is also portable in part, meant the end of the 3DS for part of the public, Nintendo ha...[Read More]
Alright then, hopefully this should be the last stress test for IndieSmasher, and we invite you all to take part again with a new massive giveaway. Once again, we will be offering Steam Keys offered by LledGames for their game Monarch of Greed – Act 1. An account will be required to obtain your key. Keep in mind that this remains a stress test and that while unlikely this time around, performance ...[Read More]
Here’s another free game up for grabs! Join our Hearts of Iron IV Steam Key Giveaway for a chance to win the strategy game by Paradox Development Studio. Hearts of Iron IV Steam Key Giveaway
The Nintendo Switch is preparing to host one of its first Strategy games. First released in 2016 on PC then iOS and Android, the independent game Crush Your Enemies announces its release for this summer on the hybrid console. The studio Vile Monarch, based in Warsaw, Poland, drew on the sources of real-time strategy games (resource management, deployment of units, tactical confrontations…) t...[Read More]