Atlas Reactor First Impressions – A MOBA Revolution

Atlas Reactor is a new MOBA game developed by Trion Worlds that was released a bit over a week ago. The game features two teams of four players that compete in simultaneous turns with combat mechanics mixing XCOM and of MOBAS such as League of Legends. With highly promising tactical elements, and yet quite intense [...]

Craft the World Review

Craft the World was created by Dekovir Entertainment, a team most commonly known for the development of mobile games. With Craft the World, they intended to appeal to a fresh market, appealing to fans of management, survival and crafting games. The first positive thing players experience when they launch the game is the care that [...]

Pokemon MMO 3D Hands-On, A Great Experience Despite Its Flaws

If there is one thing that I can confidently say that nearly all fans of the Pokemon franchise want, it is to be able to walk in a 3D environment and to meet the other players. If there have been multiplayer modes in the Pokémon games for a whole now, they are still quite far [...]

Hyper Universe Early Access First Impressions: Is It Worth Your Time?

Recently released into Steam’s Early Access program, Hyper Universe is Nexon’s latest novelty which challenges the traditional styles of the MOBA genre. Here, Nexon offers a clever mix between MOBA and the fighting/platform genre (that won’t be without reminding some of titles like Brawlout, Brawlhala or even Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo enthusiasts) in an [...]

Fortnite First Impressions, Tower Defense Meets Survival: Is It Worth Buying?

After great titles like Gears of War, Unreal, or the somewhat unknown Bulletstorm, Epic Games returns with an ubiquitous, yet far more complex and profound construction/tower defense game than its cartoon graphics might suggest. The principle of Fortnite, at first glance, is actually quite simple:you build defenses around your goal, then defend it against waves [...]

Exclusive Q&A With Developers Of Open World MMORPG Tale of Toast

Hello! Could you introduce yourself to our readers and describe your role in Tale of Toast’s development? Hi! My name is Fredrik Svantes, and I'm developing Tale of Toast together with my friend Austin Zimmer. Austin and I live across the world from each other, with Austin being located in USA, and I'm located in [...]

Did Fortnite Battle Royale Plagiarize PUBG?

Epic Games’ Fortnite has definitely revolutionized the multiplayer FPS genre by mixing survival, crafting and tower defense gameplay elements together to give players a never seen before experience. If there was one thing that was lacking, it was a PvP mode where players could face each others. Players asked for it, and Epic Games delivered with Fortnite Battle Royale. For the better or for the wo...[Read More]

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