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FPS MOBA Sky Noon Hosting A Closed Beta

In the category of slightly crazy but still interesting titles, here is Sky Noon. Developed by a small studio called Lunar Rooster, this FPS has cowboys fight it out by ejecting each other from the map with their air blowing weapons. If on paper, this idea may seem very strange, we must admit that everything is rather fun once the game starts. As reported by PC Gamer, Sky Noon will soon start a cl...[Read More]

Fortnite Battle Royale Will Soon Introduce A Light Machine Gun

While PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds seems to be focused on adding cards and an eSports league recently evoked by Brendan Greene, the Epic Games team is more focused on introducing new skins and new weapons in the game. So, after the remote controlled missile, here comes the Light Machine Gun in Fortnite. This Rambo-worthy “toy” has been announced in the title menus, but thanks to...[Read More]

Eve Online: Into the Abyss Expansion Announced

Still in great shape after nearly 15 years of loyal service, Eve Online is blessed with frequent updates offered by the developers CCP. This time, the Icelandic studio has announced the next expansion to be launched shortl. Called “Into the Abyss”, this new content will immerse players in the abyss of space with a gameplay focused on survival and exploration, rewarding them with Mutapl...[Read More]

Conan Exiles Leaves Early Access And Launches On Consoles On May 8

Famous barbarian well known to all, Conan returns to once again showcase a new adventure in his universe, this with players as their own protagonists. With Funcom at the helm of Conan Exiles the time has come to start the final countdown. Although Conan Exiles has been available in Early Access on Steam for a while now, it was still being developed and fine-tuned for the upcoming release. For now,...[Read More]

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