
Exclusive Q&A With Developers Of Open World MMORPG Tale of Toast

Hello! Could you introduce yourself to our readers and describe your role in Tale of Toast’s development? Hi! My name is Fredrik Svantes, and I'm developing Tale of Toast together with my friend Austin Zimmer. Austin and I live across the world from each other, with Austin being located in USA, and I'm located in [...]

Kritika Online moves to full launch on Steam with today’s Fractured Memories patch

Play Kritika Online Lots of big stuff is happening today for Kritika Online. First of all, the game’s servers are going down at 9:30 a.m. EDT to apply the game’s next major patch, Fractured Memories. That’s a big thing right there. Then, at 11:00 a.m. EDT, the game will be available on Steam. And at [...]

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