With its 150 million users, Discord has become a leader in gaming-oriented as well as casual instant messaging in recent years. And now its designers are diversifying and integrating more and more to suit us and change Discord gaming, by launching their own video game distribution platform.

Recent Discord Gaming Updates
The company had previously started this project by opening a tab titled “Games” in the software, to see what our friends play and launch our recently played titles. It is now intensifying its approach by announcing today the launch of an integrated digital games shop. Smart, the offer to finely select the titles that will be available, while the very open policy of Steam is under heavy criticism. Also, with the First on Discord program , the company will help developers finance themselves, in exchanged for a three-month exclusivity. Discord Nitro members will receive a selection of games from the store, in addition to their current benefits. Finally, the software will allow players to start all the titles detected on their machine, all launchers combined.